Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shailene Woodley Cuts Her Hair Off for The Fault in Our Stars

Shailene Woodley has officially joined Tumblr and her first post tells that she had cut her hair for the role of Hazel Grace Lancaster in the movie adaptation of John Green's novel "The Fault in Our Stars."  She will donate the hair to the charity Children With Hair Loss. You can read an excerpt of her post below:

You should follow Shai at


    my hair!

    for the past five years i’ve been on an i-want-to-grow-my-hair-as-long-as-possible kick. before cutting it for a project last december, it was almost down to my bum. holy wow it was long. about half way through my hair-growing escapade, i began to deeply look at WHY i was so keen on creating flowing locks down my spine. was it because of my obsession with pocahontas as a child? kind of. was it because of my admiration of native american culture? maybe. was it because of my kneading desire to dodge the chemical smell of salon lairs? oh yes. after much thought and curiosity surrounding the subject, i finally came to the conclusion that hair, for me, was a symbol of strength. it was a symbol of commitment to my power. of connection to my ancestry. of recognizing my natural beauty. that which exists without chemical dyes, or hairspray, or scissors. a symbol of my sovereignty. of my humble desire to feel grounded within my own skin. not the image magazines and reality shows desperately try to throw in our faces, but the image of authentic beauty. funky hairlines included! (anyone else have an eccentric hairline? because mine decided to be super-original and all over the place)…. allowing my genetics to take control and produce long, luscious locks was my way of paying homage to my kindred spirit. i felt powerful, in control, strong. i felt connected to my womanhood, connected to my ancestors… and for the longest time, i was committed to never chopping it off. cut to: now. on Saturday, it will be the shortest it’s ever been. and i feel so relieved, so ready, so dedicated. about 6 months ago, my amazing kick-ass younger brother (get ready world, he’s on fire!) played me a song by Regina Spektor. it’s called “ghost of corporate future” (do check it out…it’s a winner), and in it resides a very special tid-bit of wisdom (which just so happens to be completely relevant to today's topic): “maybe you should just cut your own hair, ‘cause that can be so funny. it doesn’t cost any money and it always grows back, hair grows even after you’re dead”…. upon hearing these words, i was immediately inspired to cut my own hair off with abandon. shed old layers and practice the art of playfulness. out of nowhere, i did a complete 360. i went from sacralizing the length of my hair, to appreciating the spontaneity of chopping it off.

here are some pics shared by Shailene during her visit to the salon to cut her hair.

.. and here are some pics of Shailene Woodley with her short hair for The Fault in Our Stars movie.


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